When you work from home, you may face the struggle of getting family and friends to see your work as important. They may feel you can go and do whatever, whenever, since you are home all day.
These WAHM tips should help you with showing your loved ones that, no matter how you are getting paid at home, your work is just as serious as the occupation they commute for every day!
1. You must take it seriously first.
It’s hard for your loved ones to see you really work from home when you aren’t taking the job seriously either. Lead by example by talking to them about your work. Explain how similar it is to an outside the home career – how you have deadlines to meet, your need to work undisturbed for a few hours each day, and how you are paid for your work.
2. Create a work schedule.
Setting work hours, or at least a schedule of what to get done daily, will help others see you are serious about your work at home venture. If you have children home with you, it may be nearly impossible to work the same hours each day. However, scheduling in work throughout the day (naptime, when the kids are in bed) will help you get things done and help others see you are actually working!
3. Learn to say “NO!”
No one will see your work as serious if you are constantly putting it off to do things with them. It’s common for your family to think, “Oh, she can run errands with me since she just sits at home!” However, start telling these people that you aren’t available because you need to work. It may take some time, but consistently informing them you can’t simply “hang out” will give them the hint that what you do is a real job!
4. Set up a work station.
Lying in bed with a laptop may seem like the most comfortable way to work, but your family is likely to see you just being lazy. Have an area in your home where you conduct your tasks. Not only will loved ones start to see you really do have work to do, it can also make you more productive — with having your computer, planner, and other work at home materials in one location.
5. Show them you are getting paid.
No one should have to prove they make money (would you ask the teen at McDonald’s for a check stub to prove he really works??), but sometimes this drastic measure will gain you the respect you need from family and friends. You don’t have to divulge how much you make, but a payment screenshot or showing items you receive in exchange for a review or promotion can set the naysayers straight.
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