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Your Happiness Should Be The Only Consideration When It Comes To Your Job

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When it comes to your career, one of the things that you should be thinking about is your happiness. Are you happy in the career that you are in? Do you think you would be happy in a similar job at a different company? Or, would you be happy with a complete career change? The only person who can answer this is you, but some people are hesitant. We understand why, but you shouldn’t be. Happiness is the most important consideration, and we’re going to be looking at some of the other things we feel are necessary to note down below.

Who Cares What You Change To?

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One of the problems that people have when they’re considering changing careers is that they worry about what other people are going to think of them. This is especially common if you’re thinking of changing from a ‘more impressive’ to a ‘less impressive’ kind of career. But honestly, who cares?

You do not have to stay in a career when you’re unhappy, even if a simpler career is what will make you feel better. You owe nobody anything, including an explanation as to why you’re choosing the career that you are. You have every right to do whatever you want, without considering everyone else. 

Money Isn’t Everything

Money isn’t everything when it comes to jobs. We know that you need a certain amount to survive, but is more money worth being miserable? No. It’s not. We know that it’s easy to say that, but it’s true. No amount of money in the world is worth all the misery that you feel daily, even if it pays for your life. There are other ways to make money on the side if you want to change careers and you need a top up. You can look into the different options available and go from there, but this is always better than the alternative. 

Are You Willing To Undergo More Training?

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Last but by no means least, you might need to undergo some more training if needed to break into a new career. If education made you miserable previously, you may not be willing to undertake this. It’s something that you’re going to have to carefully consider, and make the right choice for you.

For example, if you want to work for the ambulance service, you can apply for the Royal Ambulance career bridge program, which you have to study and learn for. Some programs in various industries are more hands on, while others require a lot of theory work. Work out what you are and are not willing to do, and then you can go from there, but ensure that your happiness is at the forefront of your choice.

At the end of the day, your happiness should be the most important consideration when it comes to your job. If you’re unhappy, or you think you would be unhappy in a specific role, there’s no reason for you to stay there/take the offer. You do not deserve to be unhappy every day for the rest of your life, you deserve better, and getting a career better suited to you is a good step.