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5 Conversation Hearts Science Experiments for Kids

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5 Conversation Hearts Science Experiments for Kids

5 Conversation Hearts Science Experiments for Kids

Who would have ever guessed that those sweet and tasty conversation hearts could be used to teach kids about science? Well they can, in a way that is fun and even frugal. If you want to give the kids some fun lessons in science, then take a look below at these 5 conversation hearts experiments for kids. These experiments will turn them into little sweetheart scientists in no time!

1. Ghost candy.
In this experiment, you are going to create some “ghost candy.” Do this by taking a few hearts all of the same color. Place a few of the hearts in a dark place, preferably a cabinet or drawer. Take the other half of hearts and place them in a sunny window. After a few days (it may take closer to a week) compare the two sets of hearts. You will notice the dark spot set stays the same, while the window sill set will now be white. They have turned to ghosts! This is a great time to talk about the sun and the power it has to fade colors.

2. Jumping bean hearts.
In this experiment, you will make your conversation hearts jump like jumping beans. To do this, pour a glass full of Sprite, 7 Up, or some other clear, carbonated soda. Drop a few conversation hearts into the glass and watch what happens. The candy will start to jump around like jumping beans! This is a great time to talk about carbonation, and how it is a gas that is making the candy jump up and down.

3. Melting hearts.
In this experiment, you will attempt to make the conversation hearts melt. To do this, you will get three small bowls or cups. Fill one with cold water, one with room temperature water, and one with hot water. Drop a conversation heart into each bowl and see which one dissolves the candy first. You can even make predictions prior if you wish! Watch and see what happens, and then talk about why you think the hearts melted quicker in the hotter water than the others.

4. Dissolving magic hearts.
For this experiment, take one whole candy, one piece that has been broken into smaller pieces, and one piece that has been smashed into powder. You are going to then add each to a glass of its own filled with warm water. Which will dissolve first? The whole, the half or the powder? Watch what happens and discuss the results!

5. Floating hearts.
For this experiment, you want to see what if the hearts are going to sink or float. In a large bowl, add room temperature water. Get some more items such as a penny, marble, or even M&M candies. You want the objects to be of a similar size and shape. Then, make predictions about which ones you think will sink and which will float. Then give them a try and see what happens!

As you can see, there are so many ways to explore science using a bag of conversation hearts. Head to your local dollar store and grab a bag of your own. You will be amazed at the lessons you can learn!

Conversation Heart Science Experiments for kids and teachers for Valentine's Day