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Let’s Go! First Year of T-Ball!

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First year of tball for 5 and 6 year olds

I can’t believe this kid is old enough to play t-ball! Like, when did this happen?! We’ve had a pretty eventful first few weeks. You see, both G and H signed up to play, and while G absolutely loves it – H does not. She had fun the first couple of practices but then, out of nowhere, just shut down and decided she was done.

We can’t force her, you know? Sure, I will totally admit that I tried everything I could but it didn’t work. So, even though we don’t want to quit things they start and we want them to support their team, we went ahead and let her quit. I was pretty sad but I want her to be happy and not feel like we forced her into something she doesn’t enjoy.

tball at bat being pitched to

I am still glad that she tried it though. It’s important for them to try new things and explore their interests. G has definitely found something he loves, so I imagine many years of baseball to come! I love seeing his sweet little face light up when we tell him he has a game. Not to forget, his little uniform is ADORABLE and he looks so good in it!

The way our league works is that tball is for 5 and 6 year olds, so he will likely play 2 years of tball before moving on to the next level. I would rather him have more practice and time to work on his skills than push him to the next level and not be ready for it. They are pitched to for 5 balls and if they don’t get a hit, then they hit off the T.

playing catcher during tball

During the first game, G kept asking if he could be catcher. I don’t know why he has such a desire to be catcher, but during the second game, he was granted his wish and as you can see, was the cutest catcher ever. I think he was born for this position, he’s always squatting and can stay like that forever.

So, here’s a heads up for the Cincinnati Reds – here’s your catcher! You know, just give him like 14 years or so and let him hit at least 20. I’ll also be at every single game, so save one for Mom and Dad!